Les Anges Dans Nos Compagnes

Il y a tant des choses que je peux dire. Mais surtout je veux vous dire desolee. Sorry I never write, sorry I am a slacker.

I am not avoiding you, je vous promis! Maybe I'll get one of those new fangled personal computers for Christmas and then I wouldn't be subject to the millions of other people that live in this home using this computer all the time. Sinon, j'aurai besoin de l'acheter (un ordinateur je veux dire.)

It is Christmas break. My older brother came into town about a week and a half ago. With him here my auntly duties to care for his children has diminished, I can get out of the house more all by myself. Which is nice. Don't get me wrong, I love those tiny people more than life itself, but, you know, sometimes I just want to be alone. Or be in my car NOT listening to Katy Perry. (Although hearing Jayda belt out Roar is adorable.)

Mais bon. It is almost Christmas day. That is exciting. In some ways this year I have had many moments where I have just felt like this year is kind of a wash for Christmas. I said that to my mom and broke her heart though. I am not feeling like a Scrooge or anything, it's hard to explain.

Je ne veux pas etre comme ca. Alors, il faut changer. I don't want to be a negativity spreader, so I decided it was time for a blog post. I finally had a free computer and I also was feeling the urge to print off some chords for some songs I want to learn and now I have a hefty stack of music next to me.

I really want to learn this version of this song. Hands down the best God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen you will ever hear.

You really couldn't even argue with me on that. Because I am a lawyer, and you will lose.

Maybe on Christmas day I will post a post of me playing the ukulele and singing a Christmas song. Any requests. Le jour de Noel je vais jouer le ukulele et chanter. Vous pouvez me dire quelle chanson de Noel vous voulez avoir!

I honestly have so many blog posts in my head and I THINK about writing them for you wonderful people. So I am making a goal. I WILL blog at least once a month. I will certainly try to blog more often than that.

For now I want to share something with you. This would be testimony time. Ready?

The Christmas season can never be a wash because we are celebrating the greatest gift anyone has ever given. For God so loved the world that He gave His Only Begotten Son. (John 3:16). How beautiful is that? I keep reflecting on Christmas last year. I wasn't home and missed my family, but I was in a religious background and spent all of Christmas time thinking about the only part of Christmas that truly matters. The birth of my Savior Jesus Christ. I know we had to leave our Heavenly Father's presence to come here, gain a body and progress. I know that opposition is necessary to that plan. I know that nobody is perfect. I know that our Heavenly Father's greatest desire is that we return to live with Him again. I know that will bring all of us the greatest happiness. I know that imperfection and sin are barriers to that. I know the only way to overcome those barriers is through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. I am so incredibly thankful for a loving Father in Heaven who created a perfect plan for each of us to succeed. I am thankful for a loving Older Brother who was willing to make a huge sacrifice for me.

Here are some verses on the subject:

And behold, he shall be born of Mary, at Jerusalem which is the land of our forefathers, she being a virgin, a precious and chosen vessel, who shall be overshadowed and conceive by the power of the Holy Ghost, and bring forth a son, yea, even the Son of God.

 And he shall go forth, suffering pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind; and this that the word might be fulfilled which saith he will take upon him the pains and the sicknesses of his people.

  And he will take upon him death, that he may loose the bands of death which bind his people; and he will take upon him their infirmities, that his bowels may be filled with mercy, according to the flesh, that he may know according to the flesh how to succor his people according to their infirmities.

I love my Savior and I love you, my blog readers. Merry Christmas!

Ok, maintenant en français. Pour Noel on fête le plus grand cadeau que le monde a reçu. Car Dieu a tant aimé le monde qu'il a donné son Fils unique, afin que quiconque croit en lui ne périsse point, mais qu'il ait la vie éternelle. (Jean 3:16) C'est si beau n'est-ce pas?

Je pense toujours sur l’année dernière. C'était carrément différent parce que je pensais que sur pourquoi on doit fêter vraiment Noel. La naissance de mon Rédempteur Jésus-Christ. Je sais qu'il fallait qu'on a quitte notre Père Céleste pour venir ici. Je sais que il faut avoir opposition en tout choses. Je sais que personne est parfait. Je sais que le seule vrai désire de notre Père céleste est pour nous de retourner vivre avec Lui. C'est le seule façon d'avoir le vrai bonheur. Mais, on est tous imparfait, est il y a toujours le péché. Le seule façon de surmonter ces obstacles est dans et par l'Expiation de Jésus-Christ. Je suis reconnaissant pour un Père céleste aimant, qui a créé un plan parfait pour mon bonheur. Je suis reconnaissant pour un Frère Aîné aimant qui a donne sa vie pour moi.

Voici, quelques versets:

 Et voici, il naîtra de Marie, à Jérusalem, qui est le pays de nos ancêtres; elle-même sera vierge, vase précieux et élu, qui sera couverte de l’ombre du Saint-Esprit et concevra par son pouvoir, et enfantera un Fils, oui, le Fils de Dieu.

 Et il ira, subissant des souffrances, et des afflictions, et des tentations de toute espèce; et cela, afin que s’accomplisse la parole qui dit qu’il prendra sur lui les souffrances et les maladies de son peuple.

 Et il prendra sur lui la mort, afin de détacher les liens de la mort qui lient son peuple; et il prendra sur lui ses infirmités, afin que ses entrailles soient remplies de miséricorde, selon la chair, afin qu’il sache, selon la chair, comment secourir son peuple selon ses infirmités.

J'aime mon Sauveur, et je vous aime tous mes amis. Joyeux Noel!

Don't forget to tell me what Christmas song you want!
N'oubliez pas me dire quelle chanson de Noel que vous voulez avoir!


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