The Lamp is Growing Dim

We're in the final countdown here my friends. I spoke in church today, my "farewell" talk if you will. I ended up getting a little teary eyed while speaking, something I don't like to do and usually don't do. Today I was overwhelmed by the people that came to see me, people I hadn't seen in a while, and a few people I really wasn't expecting to see at all. It was so lovely.

The only sad part of the day was that I arrived at the church early to practice the song my sister and sister in law would be singing. I was opening up the piano and the top part snapped down on one of the buttons on my sweater and it broke into a million pieces and shot everywhere. Now my cute turquoise cardigan is missing a button, and I don't know where the spare is. :( I must find a new button before I leave.

This Saturday we are having an open house with lots of delicious french foods (no escargots I promise.) If you're in the Phoenix area I'd love it if you could stop by. Then Monday its the drive up to Utah, Wednesday  the 20th I report to the MTC at 1:30 PM. Then for the next 18th  months I'll be doing nothing but missionary work. I have mixed emotions getting this close, but I suppose that is typical for every time one thing in your life ends and a new thing begins.

As frustrating as my job can be I am sad its ending. I like the teachers and the other aid in the classroom I'm in. Those kids drive me up a wall most of the time, but I still love them. I've seen how hard some of them have it and my heart aches for them, and I wish I could stay with them. Most especially the kid I am a one on one with. It has been a tough road to get him to participate in class and not throw so many tantrums or hold on to things that upset him. Now he feels like he has friends and my favorite part of the day is when he looks at me with his eyes wide open and says, "Miss Reynolds guess what!" Then he proceeds to tell me about some cool, exciting thing he did, or saw, or made, or received as a gift. I don't want him to feel I am abandoning him, but I really have no idea how he will perceive it at all. I love him too and want him to be happy and successful in life. I'll have to check in on him after the mission.

The weird thing about missions is that life keeps moving forward but there are parts you kind of have to miss for awhile. For example, my sister in law is pregnant and having a baby boy in May. Normally, if I were in college and this were to happen I could maybe fly home for a visit, or at the very least call and video chat to see him and talk to family and take part in the celebration. This time I'll be in France, and can maybe get an email with a photo, and that is that. When I think about things like that I become truly grateful that I am part of an eternal family. I may miss the birth, but we have forever to get to know each other, and we can start as soon as I get back!

Well I will hopefully get one more post done before I leave (with my address so you lovely people can write/ email me!) After that it will be bien tôt for this blog of mine until sometime in late 2014. Please write! I'd love to tell you all about my missionary experiences :)


Brian & Kyla said…
I'm so so so so excited for you!
3 Winks Design said…
I am so proud of you! Love Mom
Ruth said…
I will be thinking of you during your whole time there and hope to write! God bless you.

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