Merry Christmas, War is Over?

The title of this post is ridiculous, but I was at a loss for words.

It is 2013 everyone. Who else finds this a little surprising? No, not because of the whole Mayan calendar thing, that was silly. I just remember when it became the year 2000 and it didn't seem possible that we would move so far beyond that as to be in the teens! That was thirteen years ago! Where has the time gone?

I've already looked back at 2012. It was a full and wonderful year for me. I think 2013 will be even more so. After all, In a mere 50 days I'll be entering the Provo MTC. Six weeks later I'll be in Lyon, France, or somewhere else in southern France/ western Switzerland/Corsica. There I will stay for the rest of this year and most of next year. Crazy. My life is crazy. Crazy awesome.

The slight bummer about today, besides this persistent cold, is that my sister +Alicia Reynolds  and brother in law +adrian Maruri left this morning to head back to Provo. My sister is a teacher at a school in Utah and they start classes on Thursday. Who starts classes on a Thursday?? So dumb.

Anyway, I don't have much time left before I'll no longer be able to blog (no blogging on the mission, sorry) so I feel like I should share things that are exciting, interesting, wonderful, profound, or at least crafty and delicious...

Nothing is coming to mind right now. So happy new year everyone. Find adventure in 2013. Be willing to share more love, don't be afraid to open your mouth and speak for goodness, and try at least one new thing each month.

Maybe I'll make pain au chocolat and share that with you, I have been craving some...


Brian & Kyla said…
Just 50 days! I am SO SO SO excited for you :)
Ruth said…
I'm excited for you too and hope to hear all about it via the "Reynolds Grapevine".

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