
This Fall, my blog and it's address and title are going to become totally legit folks.

I have been officially accepted into the study abroad program for Fall 2011 to Cergy Pontoise University in France.

Je suis joyeuse!

C'est tout. 


Regs said…
YAY!!!!!!!! I'm SO excited for you and completely jealous! France totally beats my weekend in NYC! Congrats, friend!!!
The Petersons said…
Holy cow! That is amazing! Congrats lady!
Lauren said…
AHH!! That's awesome!! Congratulations!
Ruth said…
How WONDERFUL! Congratulations!!
Anonymous said…
Est-ce que l'university se trouve au Paris?

Love Mom
Unknown said…
Non. C'est Cergy Pontoise Universite, a Cergy (Pontoise...) Il s'agit d'une tour de 45 minutes de metro de Paris.

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