Boys Speak in Rhythm and Girls in Code

In the midst of packing and cleaning this weekend I had a few adventures which changed my life.

1) There is a Dollartree by Cafe Rio. I have no idea how I missed this before. My life is now complete. I bought a pizza slicer... for a dollar. Take that economic crisis.

2) Next to the Dollartree is a cleaning supply store. They sell Foamy Q&A. I know.

3) Michael Phelps has already made me cry. He broke his world record and got his first gold of the Olympics and he was crying and he couldn't find his mom in the crowd but then he did... it was beautiful; and I loved America even more than I already did.

4) I found out that Anberlin will be in Salt Lake on October 8 of this year. As part of my 31 day celebration of that month I will be going. They will be in Phoenix on the 18th... I'm considering.

5) I rode a motorcycle and did not die. I was a little nervous I must admit, you are so exposed to the potential of death at every moment on a motorcycle. Fortunately, Trent is a good motorcycle
driver and heeded my requests of, "please don't kill me." It was really such a freeing experience. Everyone should ride a motorcycle at least once before they die (but not right before, as that would ruin the experience.) Unfortunately, I did not a get a picture of us on our ride, but here is a visual approximation for you.
visual approximation of us decked out in our hardcore motorcycle riding gear


trentathon said…
Kristin said…
stupid dancers!
Docface said…
I think I may have told you the story of driving my brother's motorcycle, popping a wheelie and having it fall back on me. That "before you die" part really hits home. But, it was fun in the meantime! (The bike was never the same either.)
Docface said…
I think I may have told you the story of driving my brother's motorcycle, popping a wheelie and having it fall back on me. That "before you die" part really hits home. But, it was fun in the meantime! (The bike was never the same either.)
Docface said…
sorry, I accidentally clicked twice.
Docface said…
sorry i haven't updated in a while, but now i have. i was grounded, then i had to finish reading the twilight books.
Edward is hot.
Unknown said…
You got to ride on a motorcycle with Trenta?! I'm so jealous! I've ridden on one before with him, but I don't know if we looked as cool as you guys look.
dances alone said…
Oh my gosh, they sell foamy?!! Did I know this already? I'm going tomorrow. And I love you. And where is the ridiculous cougareat post I heard about?

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