Another One Bites the Dust

Steve got married last night. I don't know if I really have anything else to say about this. Here are pictures. The first is one of Steve that I took a couple Christmases ago as blackmail... hahaha. The second is of him and Tanya cutting the cake. So, Bukran is the last one left of my apartment nine boys, and he soon will be taking a trip down the aisle. Life is funny. Yay for all of them. I love you guys. No matter what, you four will always be my boys, and you'll always be my favorites, and I love you all, even Tote... who can't even stay long enough at his friend's reception to say hi to his sister...


Chelsea said…
Sorry this is off the topic, but does anybody know what happened to Todd's blog?
Alexander said…
Who the crap is Tote?
Unknown said…
Oh Alexander, Tote is the artist formerly known as Nate Ross

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