And it Beginneth to Be Delicious to Me...

Conference is so great. Eight hours, or ten if you're a guy, of filling yourself up with the good word of the gospel. I have always felt the best way to celebrate this spiritual feast is with a physical feast. Hence, the Conference Breakfast bash! So delicious.
Chelm loved her pancakes so much she couldn't remove her eyes from them for the picture. I also don't think I've ever seen Molly so happy. Conference was great, and this breakfast was just the icing on the cake so to speak.


Chelsea said…
Syrup generally tends to have that effect on me.
Bukran said…
Ah, my best side being sported in front of the table...
SLH said…
It seems that every celebration you have involves pancakes.
Unknown said…
Actually the last one was french toast.
SLH said…
French toast, pancakes, they are all bread related breakfast items.
You kids and your crazy morning celebrations.
Unknown said…
What can we say? We're wild animals. Plus, we like to eat.

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