40 Weddings... and a New Apartment

So forty may be a bit high... but only a little. Since December I have begun to have a slew of friends getting married, or who will be soon blissfully wed. The third one to take place was last night. Well, actually they got married during the day... but their reception was in Pleasant Grove last night.
Little Miss Deborah White, now Little Mrs. Deborah... um I don' remember Sam's last name... something like Johnson or Smith... is one of my own children and like a sister to me all at the same time. Please don't ask me how that works because I actually have no idea. I am so happy for them, they are adorable together really. The first pic is one she sent me earlier of when she bought the dress. It was very Deborah and beautiful. It was lovely to see her all dressed up, and to see her parents who moved out of the home ward about a year ago... not that I ever go home, but my mom misses her mom lots.

Also, my bishop from my home ward came up for the receptions because 1) he was invited 2) his daughter Lauren was one of the bridesmaids, and 3) he had to meet Lauren's boyfriend and then drive Lauren home for the summer. So, he invited me to go to dinner with them. This invitation was quite welcome after a day of packing and moving and unpacking, which led to zero food eating on my part.

Thats right ladies and gents. The Brittany is no longer my home. I moved into Allred Apartments which is just up the block, well actually two blocks, and have set up residence here. My roommate is Sarah, she is from Costa Mesa California. She served a mission in Albania and her major is Exercise Science. Andrea is in the room next to us, she is from Texas and she is a business major. Aubrey will be here tomorrow and although she is from Tucson... she is tight cause she is an Arizonan. It will be a new and interesting experience to say the least. I went to church today, there were literally 13 guys there. Four were with significant others... but hey, next week should be a little better. Apparently a big group went on a camping trip... so, here is to next week!!!
Well, that is all for now. Here is another pic from the wedding, just cause I like it.


Anonymous said…
Wow! You sound happy already! What part of Texas is Andrea from because: 1) Dad and I used to live in San Angelo. 2)You have an aunt and cousins in Round Rock, which is by Austin. 3)You have a cousin, Ryan, in San Antonio. 4)You have a grandmother and two cousins who served missions in Houston.
I'm sure you've already covered these things, but I thought I'd ask. I wanted a pic of Deborah in her dress! Doen't your camera have a flash? Did you help decorate the car? How fun. Where did the bishop take you for dinner and how was Tucker?
Love, Me
Chelsea said…
What did her dress even look like?
Unknown said…
Those pics are with the flash mom. It was sort of hard to get good light cause people were running around blowing bubbles and I just wanted to get a pic of them.
Kristin said…
So last night... sleeping in my apt for the first time was the weirdest thing ever! I really have become so attached to the brittany/ward. My roommates have all been in the ward so they talk about people (you know the core people) and i miss being in the know. i know it will come eventually, but i'm having a hard time letting go of the brittany. It's all for the best right? Please just remind me.
Bukran said…
I was expecting a list of the 37+ weddings that will be happening soon... What, do I have to shamelessly promote myself?
Unknown said…
Yes you do Bukran, that is a long list, and it depresses me in a certain way so I'd rather not list it off.
Chelsea said…
Unknown said…
How did you even know Sam's last name?
Chelsea said…
Cuz I'm magical. JK. We had a class together. JK. Maybe it will remain a mystery.....

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