Pumpkin... to your Health

So this last Sunday was my birthday, and we all know what that means... PUMPKIN PARTY!!!!! This is the happiest occasion in a young girl's life, especially when she is turning twenty one and can have pumpkin beer!( Don't worry, that didn't actually happen.)
There was a cornucopia of pumpkin delights, such as Meg and Bukran's Pumpkin cheese cake, and the ever popular pumpkin roll, and Al's famous pumpkin pudding. This year we also had pumpkin scones and muffins, and Chelm made a fabulous pumpkin bread pudding. Of course there were various and sundry varieties of pumpkin cookies, and a loaf of pumpkin bread, and pumpkin brownies to top it all off! This year we also saw the addition of the pumpkin pancake. And what party would be complete without a pumpkin pie?? I hope that everyone reading this that didn't attend is sufficiently jealous.
Well, the semester is now half over. Its been quite a semester, let me tell you, most of my classes turned out to be very disappointing, but where would I be in life if I enjoyed everything I did? Who knows....
I have to give a shoutout to my little sister, whose birthday was Monday. She is now eleven!! Ahh!! Happy birthday Madalynn!
I just registered for classes, and I'm very sleepy, and I have a presentation in the morning, so, I bid you all adieu.


Chelsea said…
I'm emotionally unstable.
Chelsea said…
Also, who didn't attend the Pumpkin Party? No one.
Chelsea said…
Yay! I registered for classes too!
Chelsea said…
Good thing all these comments are from me.
Unknown said…
I was thinking the same thing... until now I guess
Bukran said…
Can we safely say that if there had been a prize for the most tubular dish at the pumpkin party I would have won? I think so. It was gone in like 20 seconds...
Unknown said…
Beware of pride Bukran
Paul said…
That wasn't pumpkin beer?
Chelsea said…
So was the Pumpkin Roll. Who made that anyway? Oh yeah. LINDSEY.
Unknown said…
Yes it was pumpkin beer Paul, I just didn't want my parents to know...
Bukran said…
Check out pumpkin photos at my blog:


You're welcome.

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