Our Hearts are on The Everglow

So last night was pretty much awesome. Even though I felt that the people at the Mae concert could have been a bit more friendly, a good time was still had by all. Too bad I went to bed at one and didn't get up until 7:45. Thank heaven for 9:30 class. I feel lazy when all of my roommates are gone and out the door by 8 AM. I have 15 credit hours though, and I'm working, so I am not lazy thank you very much. Anyway, the concert was probably the only intense fun I'll have all semster due to the said 15 credit hours and job. Thats okay though, this is going to be a good semester.

So Bukran, I talked to Miriam, more or less, we communicate through voicemail, and she'll be in town next weekend, so please, calm down. If she doesn't buy you a pizza then I'll buy you one okay? Thank you.
In other news, I don't have time to post on this blog right now, so I have to go do school related stuff and act responsibly. I'm buying a computer tonight!! And the peasants rejoiced.


Anonymous said…
Hi! fill me in about your new computer! Love, Mom
Bukran said…
Yeah! Pizza! When I win a contest, I vehemently request my prize. Besides, maybe it was my power of suggestion that sent her there in the first place...
Unknown said…
Your right...it was all you...
Unknown said…
Um Bukran, I'll buy you a pizza this weekend okay?
Bukran said…
I am still pizza-less... Patience, young Buck-hopper... Anyways, any good shows coming soon I could take Megs to? She's never been to one.
Anonymous said…
Wait, I'm so confused. What's even happening to you right now in your life?? If it's not on the blog, no one will know.
Chelsea said…
You're not a gadfly. I was going to write this sooner, but kept forgetting. That post was definitely not about you. I could tell you about whom I wrote it...just not here in the public forum that is your blog comment window.

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