College...who needs it?

So I checked my grades today. You know when there is a class that you know you did well in? Got good grades on all of your papers, went every day, participated, and your teacher loved every comment you made? So you're thinking, I definitely got an A, okay maybe an A- because I didn't get a perfect grade on that one paper... and then grades come out and you have a B- and you have absolutely no idea why? How do you argue that?? I'm so angry right now, I don't know if it could possibly be contained. Its ruining my Hawaiian life!
Speaking of which, Chelm finally got here and life has been a barrel of fun ever since. Tomorrow we're going on an island tour. I'm going to ask her if she can ever get Wi-Fi so that I can upload pictures. Then I can go into greater detail about all the radtasticness that exists here.
In other news, well I guess there really isn't any. I bought a pineapple, more details to come...


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