
Showing posts from December, 2011

The Wint'ry Day, Descending to It's Close

Well here we are, mere hours away from New Year's Eve. Thinking back on this year in review, 2011 was an awesome year for me. I had a few 'A's show up on my transcript. I worked at a summer internship that I found difficult and rewarding, and I learned SO MUCH, and now I'm crossing my fingers that it will turn into a job. I became an aunt x3 in July when my adorable niece-let was born. Kindly disregard her shirt. She loves her aunt LINDSEY the most. I went to Washington D.C. for the first time in March. I went to my friend Kathy's wedding reception in July. I felt a chapter of my life close as I watched the last Harry Potter movie (I read the first book in 7th grade.) I fulfilled a major lifelong dream when I moved to France in the fall and lived there for three and a half months.  I celebrated my sister getting engaged, and am currently planning her bridal shower in March, and wedding in April. I rejoiced as I had  record numbers of friends get engaged or pre...

Le Décompte Final

One more week. One more week of pain au chocolate, and croissants, and baguettes. One more weeks of macarons, cups of chocolate, and French yogurt and cheese. One more week of paninis, nutella, speculoos, and creme de marron. One more week parlant français. One more week thinking that every step I'm taking is being taken on la terre français. One more week of L'Arch de Triomphe, Musee Carnavalet, La Tour Eiffel, Les Champs Élysées, les Jardins Tuileries, and walking along La Seine. One more week is all I have left. People ask me how it feels. Why do people ask that question? I'm never going to ask anyone that question ever again. How SHOULD I feel? I feel sad. I feel happy. I feel excited. I feel stressed. I feel everything I felt just before coming here but now for different reasons. That is how I feel. So cue the Benton Paul folks, I go back to the States in a week, let the emo-ness begin. There comes a time for everyone to find a place where they belong...