Go On and Get Your Own Life, and Live it Your Way
I would like to thank you, my loyal blog readership, as I have journeyed through this time period of loss and confusion. Here I am, back in Phoenix, wanting to return to Provo come May. Please, allow me to explain. Even with everything I have typed on here, I have only explained one tenth of my thought process. About a year ago, I think it was, maybe a little bit longer than that, I lost sight of who I was. There was a time when I thought I would never find myself again. It was astounding really, the person I turned into, miserably unhappy, when really, I knew I should be quite happy. I just sort of fell apart. That is when it all began, my desperation to run away from everything and everyone to escape everything. I knew I needed a break from Provo, mainly because I was afraid that I would become trapped in a cycle if I stayed there. I wanted to go somewhere, anywhere, where no one knew my name really. Not the show Cheers, but the song Boston, does that make sense? I'm glad I went